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My Services


One on one private sessions allow individuals the privacy to discuss sensitive issues that are holding them back from experiencing a full life. When dealing with traumatic situations, some people prefer the individual therapy approach.  Emerge  Pastoral Care & Counseling is sensitive to this and offers you the opportunity to have counseling sessions in the privacy of your own home or at neighborhood church location.

Many of life's traumatic situations lead to behavior issues within the person. We offer behavior modification and life-skills development with at-risk youth, adolescents and adults.


Despite how we feel at times after experiencing trauma we are not alone! Others have hurts, habits, and hang-ups that they too have suffered. By engaging in group therapy sessions, individuals are surrounded by others who can understand their experience and offer encouragement. All group members are asked to sign a non-disclosure agreement that: "what is said or done in any of the sessions stays in the sessions!" The integrity of the group  is dependent on all members of the group adhering to this rule of the group.


Marriage and divorce can be a very traumatic experiences. At Emerge Pastoral Care & Counseling we are trained in Pre-martial counseling and Marriage and Family Therapy. Couples are encouraged to allow professionals to come along side them as they navigate the covenant of marriage or the decision to separate. We believe that God, Trust, Communication, and Honesty are values to every relationship! In couples therapy we address the elements needed to reinforce these values that help to build long lasting relationships.

Pre-Marital counseling is recommended for all couples to provide a positive foundation in their marriage. The service consist of 6 one hour sessions, or a combination there of ( call for more information), to address the issues that can potentially arise in the first years of marriage. At the end of the 6 hours, the couple will be given a certificate of completion to present to the probate court for a reduced rate on the marriage license.

10% Military Discount
$25.00 Discount if Chaplain is used to officiate the wedding.



Our family counseling sessions begin with an evaluation of family member relationships, core values, and beliefs. These items help to better understand YOUR family and how we can best help advance your family in the direction you would like it to go. When one member of our family is hurting we are all hurting. Family counseling gives each member of the family an opportunity to share their hurt, habit and or hang up in an environment that is safe and neutral ground.


Art is used in some therapy sessions as a way to assist individuals in the healing process. Some traumatic incidents cause individuals to become hindered in their ability to express themselves verbally. Artistic expression can be a very valuable way for individuals to give words to internal feelings.

I am not a licensed Art Therapist. I do have a Bachelors of Arts in Graphic Design and I have taken Art Therapy continuing education courses. Art is subjective and under no circumstances is artwork analyzed  by any member of Emerge Pastoral Care & Counseling.


Matthew 25:35-36 "for I was hungry and you gave Me food; I was thirsty and you gave Me drink; I was a stranger and you took Me in; 36 I was naked and you clothed Me; I was sick and you visited Me; I was in prison and you came to Me." NKVJ


Pastoral Care involves coming along side individuals and their family members  as they experience life's ups and downs. Spiritual counsel and direction is a component of Pastoral Care that allows the Chaplain to assess the spiritual needs of the person or persons and minister to their specific needs. As a Chaplain we visit those who have been hospitalized, incarcerated or have suffered loss. Bereavement services are also a part of our pastoral care where we offer grief & loss counseling.

All Services provided via Telephone, Google Hangouts, Skype or Zoom 

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